Refund Policy

Refund policy

Any cancellation will incur a cancellation fee. If you cancel your trip more than:

  1. 3 months before your trip’s departure, the minimum cancellation fee of 25% of the original trip price will be charged.
  2. 2-3 months before your trip, a cancellation fee of 50% of the original trip price will be charged.
  3. 1-2 months before your trip, a cancellation fee of 65% of the original trip price will be charged.
  4. There is no refund for canceling a trip less than 30 days before departure.

If you are able to move your cancelled booking to another date, you will be refunded whatever you have paid towards your trip minus the minimum cancellation fee. This will be handled at Sports Tours Hellas discretion. This refund policy only applies to deposits paid directly to Sports Tours Hellas.

Refunds for withdrawals or absences

If serious illness or emergency compels you to leave a tour, Sports Tours Hellas staff will make their best efforts to refund you for unused services. Please see refund policy above. Your own personal Travel insurance may cover other losses, so we ask that everyone takes out travel insurance at the time of booking any program with Sports Tours Hellas. There is no refund for arriving late or leaving a trip early.